An Expat Life: Nicaragua Blues and Ruse

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Picking the Guitar

Well, it's funny.....every once in awhile, I run into other musicians here in Managua. I guess I can call myself a 'musician'. I mean, I play guitar.
Guy that plays guitar= musician, right?!

At any rate, for those of you that know me, I haven't been at it very long, couple of years, maybe 3. So, when some guy comes know, a semi-professional musician, and we get to talking....he finds out I 'play guitar'. Next thing you know, I'm going to jam with him....perhaps before he does a show in a little dive bar here.

I keep telling the guy, 'Hey! I don't play Country music, I play Country Blues music. That means no George Strait. I'm talking Mississippi John Hurt.....' Then he goes, 'What?! Who's he?!'.....and so it goes. I'm a burgeoning guitarist, playing a style no one has heard a country with no music scene.

You know, some might say the climate is just right for the Blues......Where's my guitar?

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